Tired of PowerPoint Templates?

You will not see default PowerPoint Templates here! Many of these were deisgned to fit the theme of a conference - some have been viewed around the world!

High-End Animated Powerpoint Presentations:

Black and white presentation design.
Colorful PowerPoint presentation design.
Southwestern PowerPoint presentation design.
Blue collage of images used as a PowerPoint background.
Red and black design.
Capital themed design.
Another blue Capital themed design.
Red, white and blue stars design.
Another red, white and blue star design.
American flag design.
Black, blue and purple geometric design.
A mottled blue design.
A contemporary red design for PGPub 2000.
A black and purple theme.
A black and green theme.
A blue and black geometric deign.
Two more geometric designs.
A red mottled design.
One design in a variety of colors.
A blue contemproary design.
Blue design. An orange puzzle piece themed design. A Portal Technology themed design. A design for a technical presentation. A light blue design.
A design for a specific program. A striped design. Another program-speecific design. A third design for a specific program. An orange design used for a training video.
A blue training presentation design. Another training video design.      

Multimedia Web Presentations:

A design for a multimedia presentation.